
What I have done or am doing

This page links to a number of sites and products showcasing some of my work.

The WebbIE web browser
An accessible and free web browser for screen reader users. Supporting applications include a RSS reader and way to access BBC radio.
Java Braille and Text translation library
A Java library that supports text and Braille translation. Released under an open-source license.
The TeDUB technical diagram access tool for blind people
A way for screen-reading software engineers to access UML diagrams.
Research performed at the University of Manchester on accessibility for blind users of computers.
Consonant or Vowel?
A simple HTML game for learning consonants and vowels in English.
Maths Exercises
Printable worksheets for my children.
Learning or teaching resources for the children.
Dimming Dyslexia
A prototype dyslexia support app written for school children doing a project.